Last Wednesday turned out to be a pretty great day. Two things made it that way, one from our camp life, one from our family life.
At camp, 2-2-22 was summer registration day! This is a pretty big day for Jim, as the office guy and tech guy, and he gets pretty excited about it. In fact, I think it’s probably his favorite work day of the year. A tech guy on registration day is a little bit like a kid on Christmas. He had been preparing for it since October and he said he was finished getting everything ready on January 29. A couple of days to spare! This year saw the biggest update to the registration system since 2016 when it first went online. Two things that were part of online registration that haven’t been in the past: the waiting list and trading post money. Both of these things were previously handled the old fashioned way with paper systems. Now a camper can be added to the waiting list for a week of camp right on the website. And parents can add spending money for their camper to use at the camp store as part of registration as well.

As a family, 2-2-22 turned out to be pretty exciting as well. You see…there’s been this boy….dating Grace…and then there was this question….and then there was a yes…so now Grace and Soren are engaged to be married! And we’re pretty thrilled about the whole thing. Starting Tuesday night until Friday morning we hosted Soren’s family and enjoyed getting to know them. Yep…they were visiting during Jim’s biggest office day of the year. Because why not throw in a little more fun and excitement!? Both families were in on the big secret and we all kept it successfully from Grace. And that’s saying something since twelve family members had to keep it quiet until the big day! It was a really wonderful few days of family and winter fun and fellowship, interspersed with some normal work responsibilities. And now the planning begins. To answer everyone’s first question, no, there is not a date set! I’m sure they will be working on that soon, and will be tackling something akin to lining up planets. For now, we praise God for this answered prayer of many years. We have prayed for years for the men our girls would marry, as well as for their families. Our hearts are glad as we see the answer to that prayer.

Rachel, for the Bennetts